Sunday, December 30, 2007

No Resolution In Sight

Have you made your New Year's Resolution yet? I haven't either. I have been pondering it for a couple of days now. I can come up with the usual.........EAT BETTER, EXERCISE MORE AND LOSE WEIGHT. But that is an every day endeavor. I am trying to think of something that I can really sink my teeth into. Something that I need to change in my life and actually accomplish. And my mind is blank. There are so many things that I would like to change or improve. The above mentioned getting into better shape, being more organized, being a better mom, being a better wife, keeping my house cleaner, spending more time with friends and family, finishing all the unfinished projects around my house, budgeting my money better, etc., etc. Maybe I should just make a list and check them off as I go. I don't know. One of my goals is definitely to get into better shape. I got my girls seasons passes to Roaring Springs Water Park. Therefore, I need to get rid of as much of my jello as I can. But that's not a good resolution. I'll keep thinking and when I come up with something good, I'll post it. Tomorrow's New Year's Eve, so I better get to thinking.

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