Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Young and Bee You Tea Full

I was rummaging through my old photos again and came across this one.
Man Oh Man, how I wish I could look like this again. Here are some random facts regarding this photo.
1. I was 17 years old
2. This was the first dance I attended with my future hubby, Flyboy. It was Homecoming 1988.
3. The theme song was Stairway To Heaven
4. This was the one and only time I ever wore a strapless anything (big deal for me)
5. What the hell is that thing in my hair?????? It's baby's breath, but What Was I Thinking?
6. I still have this dress
7. I still have the corsage too
8. If I lost 20 pounds, I would be this size again (SIGH)
9. The ring I am wearing was my mom's wedding ring from Dick (let her tell THAT story)
10. I still have that ring


Sandee said...

You are still bee you tea full. What's wrong with your hair? I like it in that picture.

CreativeMish said...

I agree with Sandee! and why can't we all look like we did at age 17???

dorothymae said...

Yes, my darling baby girl, you are still bee you tea full! And the hair is great. The hair thing was the rage in those days! I wore something like that in my hair at a banquet at the Hagedon resort in Cour'd Alene the year your Uncle Bob was elected President of the Idaho State AFL-CIO. And, my dress had fluffy, down-like feathers! So, it wasn't just the seventeen year olds. :)