Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sugar Boogers School Project

For school, Jessica was assigned to complete an Idaho Historical Monuments Project. She was to build a model of one of the monuments connected to the history of Idaho. It had to include 10 details and they had to be labeled. Each student was assigned a monument to work on. Can you guess what Jessica was assigned?
We gave her a few hints and ideas on how she could make it, but overall, she created it all by herself. She used salt dough, pipe cleaners, paint, paper, and toothpicks. Here is a bald eagle.
This is her Indian Village
This is a bear
This is a trout in the river.
This is an Appaloosa horse.
This is a snake.
Here is an overhead view of the completed project. You can see the mountains (capped with snow), the river and streams, the forest, and the Indian village. Do you see the brown pipe cleaner that comes out of the mountain and follows the river? That is the actual monument that she was assigned. All of the other elements are the details that she had to include. Any guesses on what it is?
Didn't she do a fabulous job?


CreativeMish said...

I should know this! I love reading about Lewis and Clark. Does it represent the trail they took?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Jessica did a great job! The brilliant colors and detail are awesome. Tell her that her Grandma Dort is very proud of her.