Monday, February 23, 2009

Blow Your Top

The kids have a book called Giant Book of Cool Stuff. It is jam packed with magic tricks, freaky facts, science experiments, cool inventions, practical jokes, and cool jokes. We have performed one of the science experiments. Don and the kids made it while I was at work one day, so I didn't get any pictures of it being made. But here is the final product. They have created a volcano. The science project was to create a chemical reaction where one substance is chemically changed to another.
If you would like to recreate this yourself, you will need the following:
6 cups flour
2 cups salt
4 Tbsp cooking oil
2 cups water
A clean plastic soda bottle
Baking pan
Food coloring
Liquid detergent
Baking soda
They put a lot of work into this volcano. They even completed the scene by coloring the surrounding area and putting grass and sticks around the bottom of the volcano. They also painted it to make it look more realistic.

What to do in this chemistry experiment:
1. Mix the flour, salt, cooking oil and the 2 cups of water in a bowl. Mix until smooth and firm. Add more water if needed.
2. Stand the soda bottle in the baking pan and mold the salt dough around the bottle. Make sure you don't cover up the bottle mouth or drop any dough in the bottle.
3. Fill the bottle almost to the top with warm water. Add drops of food coloring until you get the color you want.
4. Squeeze 6 drops of the liquid detergent into the bottle. Add 2 Tbsp. of baking soda.
5. Slowly pour vinegar into the bottle and jump back quickly.

Mixing the baking soda and vinegar makes a chemical reaction.

All chemical reactions are about the making or destroying of bonds between atoms in which carbon dioxide gas is made - the same gas that bubbles in a real volcano.

The gas bubbles build up in the bottle. They force the liquid 'lava' mixture up and over the mouth of your volcano.

This was a fun project for them to do. But I think they were a bit disappointed in the end result. It didn't 'erupt' very much. It just sort of oozed out as you can see by the pictures. But it was still time well spent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell the girls that the vinegar-soda mixture is what we were given, when we were kids, for sour stomach. Worked like a charm! Mix it up and slug it down like a shot of tequila. Made ya burp and fart but the tummy ache was gone. If they want an adventure, have them try that one. hehehehe