Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yesterday was my sister, Sandee's, 41st birthday. I was going to blog about it. I was going to call her and wish her a happy birthday. I was. Really, I was. But this is what happened instead. Flyboy wasn't feeling very well. He was having some pretty bad stomach pain. He thought it was the worst gas he's ever had. He has an extremely high tolerance for pain so for him to be complaining was unusual. He took some Pepto and then some Gas X thinking that they would help. I went to bed around 7pm (I have been working 3am to 1130am plus lots of OT) and after about an hour, Flyboy came and asked me to take him to the hospital. It was that bad. Seriously. He hates hospitals and doctors. So we went to the nearest hospital (the worst one in our area and NO we will never go back) and spent the next 2 hours in the waiting room. He was in so much pain that he was like a fart in a skillet. He couldn't keep still. He was writhing in agony and pacing the entire waiting room, vomiting, crawling on the floor, and still......he had to wait his turn. FRUSTRATING!! Finally, they took him back and got him on some morphine which kicked in pretty quick and helped him to relax a bit. The doc said his symptoms showed that he had a kidney stone and they did a CAT scan to find out. But instead of a kidney stone, he has Appendicitis. So at 7am this morning, they wheeled him into surgery to remove his inflamed appendix. Some gas that was.

BTW, happy belated birthday Sandee!!


Jenn said...

Ouch!!! Hope surgery went ok. I'm sure Sandee will forgive you. ;-)

My Personal Circus said...

It's a good thing he decided to go to the hospital. Did you go to West Valley or rather, Death Valley or the runner up, Nampa? Good thing it didn't burst while waiting! I can't beieve they thought kidney stones, no wait! I can believe it!! When my eye had the hemorhage, that's why I went to Meridian emergency room.

CreativeMish said...

OH! Hope he's doing ok now!

Sandee said...

How dare you choose your husband over mwa!!!!! Just kidding! Hope everything went well and he recovers quickly!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! It's the 5th already and I just saw your blog. I looked at the puppie pics but didn't scroll down far enough to see the Flyboy blog. I hope Don is better by now. Call me when these things happen so I can worry with you. (Not that I want these things to happen) Give him a hug for me and tell him I love him.......Mom