Saturday, July 19, 2008

Belly Buster

O.K. So the other day on Country Girl, she talked about having a 17 year old boy living inside her. One who laughs at bodily fluids, farts, and toilets. Well, I have that same 17 year old boy living inside of me. Yes, it's true. Crude humor totally cracks me up. At my house, farts are funny. Well, I also crack up at the more severe crude humor. If ya know what I mean. Stuff that is R (and yes, sometimes X) rated. Well, the subject of "camel toes" comes up once in a while and NO, I will not explain what they are. I'm sure that each one of you reading this, knows exactly what I am talking about. Anyhoo, about a year ago, I was informed that the male form of "camel toes" is called a "moose knuckle". This totally cracked me up. I loved it!!! Well, the subject came up recently and I mentioned to some male friends about how men had "moose knuckles" and not "camel toes". They totally went off the wall about how stupid that was and where did I hear that and so on a so forth. I felt like a complete doofus because of it. So what did I do? I did what I do each and every time I need to search for information. I Google'd it. And this is what I found. I seriously laughed for about 30 minutes after finding this. I mean, crying, mascara running down my face, belly busting, muscles hurting laughing. I absolutely can not believe that they actually wrote an article on this subject. And it's obvious that this man didn't read the article.


Sandee said...

Thanks for the laugh. My response to the man who didn't read the article? "Gross!"

CreativeMish said...

I'm dying laughing too! and I agree with Sandee... gross!

My Personal Circus said...

That was sooo funny! Tori and I had a good laugh. I can only imagine what his tailor thinks. We have conversations like that all the time too.