I was reading a blog earlier and decided to copy what the gal posted about. If you go to Google and type "Cristie (or whatever your name may be) needs" and hit enter, you will find some interesting things. I actually had to spell my name with an H and a Y (Christy) because my spelling wasn't found. Here is what I discovered about myself today.
Cristie needs......AN OPERATION
You don't say. Nothing would make me happier than if I could get a tummy tuck. Those of you who know me well, you know this is true.
Cristie needs........A CHANGE
Do ya think? This one is very true, but I'm not going to elaborate at this time.
Cristie needs.......TO STOP CHEWING
I can't even describe how funny this one is to me. Flyboy chews and it is probably my biggest pet peeve about him. I did try chew once. When I was young and dumb and we were in the beginning stages of dating and he offered and I couldn't possibly turn him down. It was just a teeny tiny smidgeon of a taste and it INSTANTLY gave me a buzz and made me want to barf. That ended my relationship with Copenhagen. Although, each of my children drank from one of Flyboy's chew spit cans when they were babies. ENOUGH TO GAG A MAGGOT, HUH!
Cristie needs........A NAP
And boy do I!! All day, every day! Amen!
Cristie needs.........CHARITY
Is it really THAT obvious? I mean, I know I have needs, but I thought I was faking it pretty good. Damn!
Cristie needs........YOU
Well, whomever YOU are, please come to me now!!!! And explain to me why it is that I need YOU! My life won't be complete without YOU. I'm waiting......
Cristie needs........A SLICE OF MY VERY MEATY STUFFED........
WTF???????? Please, Please, PLEASE elaborate!!
Cristie needs........THERAPY
Nona, I believe this is where you come in. Nuff said.
Tooooo cute!!!!
I'm over from SITS - nice to *meet* you hun!
Found this from your Sis's blog. LOVE your photos and your fabulous sense of humour. How refreshing! :O)
I love that you put pics with your needs! I just made a boring old list!
Nice to "meet" you - I'm visiting from SITS today. Swing on by, if you like!
you've got way too much useful facial exercises! I should use one of those calisthenics - good for the facial muscles! he he
Your faces are hysterical! And you have really pretty eyes.
Funny post. Visiting from SITS - hope you have a good day.
This is so funny. I stumbled upon your blog when i googled "Cristie needs" trying to do one of those silly searches myself from facebook and I assumed I would find nothing since no one (except you) spells their name like me. I laughed when the first thing that came up was your blog entry about doing the same thing but having to spell Cristie a different way! It is nice having a unique spelling of a common name, but it is also so frustrating at times. I'm sure you can relate! I'm still not sure how my mom came up with that spelling...But anyway, now you've "met" another "Cristie" :)
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