Saturday, October 20, 2007

New Arrivals

Well, I miscalculated and Tabyana had her puppies today. I somehow skipped a whole month when counting. So it was a complete surprise. At 1:00 in the morning. 8 puppies. 4 look like Tabyana. 4 look like Bandit. 3 males and 5 females. Aren't they cute! Flyboy and I both had to work today so my 12 year old handled the entire thing.


CreativeMish said...

They're so cute. are you going to sell them???

Sara said...

that's awesome - I remember when our dog had puppies growing up & me mum was out teaching at college, she called during the break & I said, no she's not ready yet and about 20 minutes later there was the first one . . . what an amasing thing to get to experience!

ps - found you via nablopomo randomiser